In the heart of Malawi, UFE team members Peter and Kim Rillero are making waves as they embark on Week Two of the "Sowing Scientific Seeds" pilot testing. This initiative is a beacon of hope, bringing science education to local, under-resourced girls' primary schools and national secondary girls' schools.
Challenging Minds:The curriculum is designed to ignite curiosity, encouraging students to delve into scientific exploration. In collaboration with Standard 6 students from a local girls' primary school and Form 1 students from a national secondary girls' school, the challenge is to choose an independent variable for investigation. From coffee grounds to fertilizer, compost, and composted manure, students are conducting experiments, designing methodologies, and collecting data in controlled group experiments.
Hands-on Learning: The hands-on experience is tailored to the unique needs of each school level. Primary students are actively engaged with six-cell planters, providing an intimate and focused learning environment. On the other hand, secondary students are cultivating their scientific curiosity in plots of land separated by concrete benches, fostering a collaborative and interactive atmosphere.
40 Days of Impact: UFE proudly sponsors Kim and Peter for 40 days of dedicated work in Malawi. Peter, a professor of science education at Arizona State University, volunteers his time, bringing expertise and passion to the project. Kim, as the program director at UFE, ensures the seamless execution and impact of the initiative.
This pilot testing is more than just an educational endeavor; it's a journey of empowerment and transformation. Stay tuned for more updates as we nurture the growth of scientific knowledge and curiosity in the hearts of Malawi.
Together, we sow the seeds of a brighter future. 🌱✨